Paris 2024 Olympics: athletic track colour revealed

The nine running tracks for the Paris 2024 Olympics will be purple, a first in Olympic history.
The Italian company MONDO behind the creation previously worked on the Rio 2016 track and the bright red Tokyo 2021 track.
1,800 pots of glue will be spread by hand and over 1,000 rolls of surfacing materials will be needed to create the athletic track for the Paris Olympics.
The work began at the beginning of January and should be completed by the end of May. The stadium will be ready to welcome the first athletics event taking place in the stadium on August 2.
Renovation of the Stade de France for the Paris Olympics began in 2021, and among the new features are almost 150 sports lights that illuminate the arena. They have been replaced by energy-efficient LED technology, as well as architectural lights that will animate the surface of the stadium roof to create a light show.
Giant screens the size of tennis courts – over 240 square meters (2580 square feet) – have been installed.
The screens and lighting will be the legacy after the Olympic Games, explained Maria Le Corre, Deputy Director of Projects and Works at the Stade de France Consortium.
43 athletics events, 160 para-athletics events and two games of rugby seven will take place in the Stade de France during the Paris Olympic Games, to be held from July 26 to August 11, 2024.
By Africanews