February 2025
February 13, 2025

U.S. seeks to re-establish trade, political ties with Africa

Africa is the new terrain of strategic confrontation between the United States, China and Russia.

Washington is hosting political and economic leaders from the African continent for three days in a summit with many facets and where some countries are treated with particular attention.

“In economic development, we know that a lot is happening, a lot of ferment in the air in Angola, and we ant to be part of that growth story, we want to attract private capital, including US capital, not just in the oil and gas sector which is the traditional area in which there has been investment but in telecommunications, and manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals and agriculture…

…and in Peace and Security we are privileged and very pleased to be partners with the Angolan government and Head of State and Foreign Minister and helping bring peace on a regional context,” said Ervin Massinga, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary – Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State.

The Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, and the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, received on Tuesday President Lourenço, who reminded the US administration of the ongoing change in Angola’s foreign policy.

“Angola has given very clear signals that it is very interested in strengthening this cooperation with the United States of America. So, have no doubt about our intentions of this very responsible step that we are taking if we take into account the historical past of our relations, so there is a turning point that we can say is significant,” said President João Lourenço.

Washington intends with this summit to regain the confidence of African leaders.

President Biden’s administration has mentioned a potential financial envelope of $55 billion to invest in the continent over the next three years

By Rédaction Africanews

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