Ethiopia’s All Weather Commitment for African Unity Has Continued Firm

The people of Ethiopia and the leaders in different times have shown remarkable contribution to the values of pan Africanism. Especially the art and efficacy of Ethiopian leaders did drag back us to the period of Monarchical system. Emperor Haile Selassie took the initiative of building an organization that cares the issues of the continent to be faced and solved by Africans. As sources revealed, he contacted over 32 African countries’ leaders and foreign ministers and convinced them to join the meeting that was going to be held at Addis Ababa for the mentioned purpose.
Since the idea was too new, countries were not willing to agree with the simplest approach. He was too smart in changing their minds to understand the objective of the idea of Africanism. Again, he was also supposed to persuade them about the seat of headquarters of the organization to be made at Addis Ababa.
As Mekonen Ketemawu said in an interview with VOA two years ago, the process was too tough. There were challenges like some of them were hard to express in words. But the strategy and personality of convincing people had helped him to get the heart of the leaders to vote for Addis Ababa.
As the historical speech of the emperor heard, his ambition was to start the journey of African Unity and solidarity that could be done by the cooperation and coming together of the countries. The base of this ambition was the historical path of the United States of America. He needed to see Africa to stand together as a united nation. Unity is the source of strength. Though he believed that this could not happen overnight, he was sure that this initiation could be taken up by the coming generation once it is started at a time.
The emperor was keen on to the freedom of countries those colonized. He was committed in giving hand and cooperated in the process of their independence. He was too close and cooperative with many African leaders. As Mekonnen said, the emperor was used to call African leaders as ‘brothers’ which is he believed smartness of the king to show his affection and care for them.
He dreamed the unity of Africa. With the diplomatic skill and efficacy, he exceedingly organized the union. Secondly his effective diplomacy was seen when he approached African leaders. Every leader was in need of basing the headquarters to their own cities. But the emperor was active and tactical that he got these leaders in the meetings that was about this issue and used his personal and leadership efficacy to influence their mind. Strategically, he could change their mind and stem the headquarters in Addis Ababa with the logical support of the influential leaders like Julius Nyerere of Tanzania.
After the downfall of the monarchical system, the military regime was also good in its diplomacy with African countries. Mengistu’s regime was assisting the rebellions of Zimbabwe during their freedom fight with British colonizers. He was creating various ties with African countries. Military alliances, economic cooperation, cultural diplomacies and related issues were done in the period.
After EPRDF took power the then PM Meles Zenawi has displayed commitment to maintain AU in Ethiopia. “It was the people like Julies Nyerere and Kwame Nkrumah who decided that Addis Ababa should be the headquarters of OAU. There is one fact irrespective of what government rules Ethiopia; Ethiopia has always been committed for African independence and liberation.”
He amplified the relevance of togetherness as follows. “Every African and Ethiopian knows how it feels to be alone. We were alone on the table of Europeans during the League of Nations and we know what happened to us then. Now we are not alone; we have 53 African countries. Therefore every Ethiopian could understand the meaning of African unity.”
By the same token, the current ruling party, prosperity party, is revealing its curiosity, commitment and vision to the unity and solidarity of Africa in the yearly meeting held in the city. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) the president of the ruling party uses to say points like the problems, issues, and any forms of the cases of the continent are going to be handled and treated by the indigenous knowledge of our forefathers. He usually reflects that Africans had the potential to solve out the issues of the continent. He believes that Africa knows how to approach its cases. It had a shining history in the context.
Particularly, during this year’s AU submit, he underlined that the continent is booming its rate in population. Thus, he recalled the globe that this does mean a lot for the transformation and prosperity of the countries in the continent. Africa deserves its proper place at the United Nations Security Council with full veto power.
Besides, this population is the reliable input for any form of production. Therefore, Africa is going to be benefited from this resource and going to shine up than ever. On top of this, nations in the continent need to be alerted about the potential and effectiveness of their people and look out the bigger image of togetherness and cooperation with each other.
The Ethiopian government has taken actions that practically conveyed its level of commitment for Africanism. As the African Hall in Addis Ababa was the historical place that brought all African leaders to convene together for their own issues for the first time, the current leadership made a remarkable reform on the architectural and resilience of the building. He explained the great meaning this work gives for Africans. Since the place is assumed to be for Africans too, the primer said that the renovation of the Hall was made with this perspective. It is the sign of resilience, solidarity, unity, and togetherness. Thus, it is arranged with this sprit.
By Ethiopian Herald.