Liberia: Rep. Musa Bility Calls On VP Koung to Stay Out of Nimba By-Election

Representative Musa Bility, Political Leader of the Citizens Movement for Change (CMC), has expressed frustration with Vice President Jeremiah Koung’s involvement in the upcoming Nimba County senatorial by-election.
Bility has called on Koung to distance himself from the election, emphasizing that as the highest government official in the county, his neutrality should be maintained.
Bility stated that Koung, who is not running in the election and whose Unity Party does not have a candidate, should refrain from supporting any candidate, particularly Representative Samuel Kogar, who is vying for the Senate seat.
“This election is for the citizens, not for the Vice President. He should not involve himself in it,” Bility said. “We respect him, but if he disregards this advice, we will treat him like any other citizen, not as Vice President.”
Bility further warned that if Vice President Koung continues his support for Kogar, it could lead to disrespect for his position as Vice President.
He also called on Nimbaians to reject Kogar, suggesting that his election would be harmful to the county’s development.
“Look at the work this government has done since taking power,” Bility said. “The Unity Party has done very little for the citizens who elected them. I urge Nimbaians not to vote for Kogar.”
In addition to his political comments, Bility highlighted issues with infrastructure and health services in Nimba County. He criticized the government’s failure to pave the Ganta-Saclepea road, which he said has hindered the free movement of citizens.
Bility also expressed concern over reduced funding for health facilities in his district, noting that the citizens of District 7 voted for the Unity Party but have seen little improvement in services.
To address the health care needs in District 7, Bility announced plans to purchase an ambulance for local health facilities and revealed that he recently bought a vehicle for the Saclepea Comprehensive Health Center.
By FrontPageAfrica.