East Africa: Ethiopia’s Unwavering Commitment to Ameliorate Regional, Global Peacekeeping Efforts

It is widely acknowledged that Ethiopia’s peacekeeping troops have been playing a paramount role in ensuring peace and tranquility in the Horn of Africa region and beyond. As the country has been working around the clock to eradicate terrorist groups stationed in the Horn of Africa (HoA), Ethiopia has set in motion attaining the desired goal in the face of some challenges.
Notwithstanding the fact that Ethiopia has been moving forward in restoring peace and tranquility in every corner of the Horn of Africa making the most of its heroic forces, some groups have been bending over backwards to throw a wet blanket on its positive strides. However, the country has continued turning its back on its evil deeds, which have been going behind closed curtains.
It is a well-known fact that the Horn of Africa is an epic center of terrorism, human trafficking, illicit arms, smuggling, and more of the same.
It is no secret that Ethiopia has been working at all hours of the day and night with the intention of ensuring peace and tranquility in every corner of the Horn of Africa. As the country has been fighting with terrorist groups endeavoring to move the region into uncharted territory and back into a corner, Ethiopia has continued driving them out of the region.
On the basis thereof, the region has been breathing a sigh of relief despite some defies that need concerted efforts.
It is obvious that Ethiopia has been always fighting to annihilate terrorist groups once and for all from the left, right, and center of Somalia and the Horn region and achieve sustainable peace. As far as this, the country has continued making extraordinary efforts to make the region suitable for the inhabitants of the region.
Ethiopia’s continuous endeavors to build sustainable peace in Somalia placing emphasis on the commonality of interests and principles have continued achieving the anticipated objective. There is no denying the fact that by attaching great significance to cooperation and mutual assistance, the two nations can sustain building a solid foundation for everlasting peace in the region.
Following the conclusion of the Continental Peace Conference organized in Addis Ababa, State Minister of Peace, Keyredin Tezera (PhD) recently said that Ethiopia’s firm stance on regional, continental, and global peace is steadfast.
“Ethiopia has deployed more than 142,000 peacekeeping troops to eleven countries since the Korean War,” Keyredin said adding the country’s consistency to contribute its role towards international peace is testified.
In addition to deploying peacekeeping troops to different countries, Ethiopia organized a continental peace conference aimed at finding solutions for existing problems and sharing experiences, according to the State Minister.
The continental conference that aims to build Peaceful and Prosperous Africa was attended by participants gathered from 22 different African countries, he mentioned.
He stressed that Ethiopia’s new initiative shows the country’s commitment to continue its contributions towards regional, continental, and international peace.
The Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) has always prevented quite a lot of external belligerences and sustained the unity as well as the sovereignty of the Horn of Africa. What is more, Ethiopia’s army is always ready to safeguard the nation’s well-being towards development and affluence.
Ethiopia’s peacekeeping troops have been playing a paramount role in safeguarding the Horn of Africa. As upholding peace remains Ethiopian peacekeeping troops’ top priority, they will sustain as a key peace force nationally, regionally, and globally.
It is worth mentioning that the peace and stability of the region are still in danger in view of the fact that the growing radical networks, illegal arms trafficking, and augmented militarization. It is important to highlight that millions of people in the Horn of Africa will suffer significantly if the existing circumstances in the region continue.
With the intention of creating a peaceful region, nations in the Horn of Africa should join hands and stand in unison in terms of security-related issues.
As Ethiopia’s peacekeeping troops have been giving their all to secure lasting peace, the region has set in motion moving forward in the right direction. On the heels of the commitment and hard work of Ethiopia’s peacekeeping troops, most nations in the Horn of Africa have set in motion establishing durable peace.
In good truth, by working in close collaboration with various nations, Ethiopia’s peacekeeping troops have been attaining the desired goal. No matter what doomsayers enunciate on the topic of Ethiopia’s peacekeeping troops, they have sustained ensuring peace and tranquility in the region. No earthly power can stop them.
Speaking to the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA), Ambassador Dina Mufti, recently highlighted Ethiopia’s longstanding commitment to the regional peace and stability.
Ethiopia’s foreign policy prioritizes peace and collaboration with neighboring countries, a principle reflected in its continued support for Somalia’s stability. Ethiopia views Somalia’s peace as essential to its own, stating, “Somalia’s peace is Ethiopia’s peace too. Peace is a collective endeavor.” He also mentioned Ethiopia’s ongoing involvement in peacekeeping missions across Africa, including in Congo, Liberia, Burundi, Rwanda, and Somalia, reaffirming the nation’s commitment to global and continental stability.
The country continues to play a vital role in peacekeeping, particularly in Somalia, where its involvement remains strong. Ethiopia’s commitment to maintaining regional peace underscores its broader goal of fostering stability and economic cooperation in the HoA.
By Ethiopian Herald.