February 2025
February 13, 2025

Liberia: Senate Conducts Stakeholders Hearing On Local Govt Act

Internal Affairs Minister, Francis Nyumalin, is pleading with the Liberian Senate to pass the act creating the Ministry of Local Government into law.

Appearing before the Liberian Senate Joint Committee on Internal Affairs and Judiciary, Human Rights, Claims and Petition, Minister Nyumalin said the Act was necessary in the wake of plans to decentralize the Government activities.

According to the Minister, the Act seeking to create the Ministry of local Government was one of the first three Acts submitted by President Joseph Boakai following his inauguration in January 2024, asserting that he will be more than happy to see its passage.

The hearing with stakeholders was focused on the “Proposed Act to Repeal Chapter 25, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Title 12, Executive Law of 1972, Liberian Codes of Law Revised, To Establish its Stead, A New Chapter 25 to Be Known as the Ministry of Local Government.”

According to the Senate Committees , the intent of the hearing was to solicit expert opinions in order to place the Senate in an informed position as to how to proceed in the passage of the Act.

The Act, if passed into law, would transition the structure and function of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and change its nomenclature to the Ministry of Local Government, as well as endeavors to empower the locals through the devolution of powers from the Central Government to local authorities, by distributing certain administrative functions being carried out by Ministries and Agencies to local organs in the counties.

Appearing as stakeholders before the Senate Joint Committee on Internal Affairs and Judiciary, Human Rights, Claims and Petition, were Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon. Francis Nyumalin, Chairman of the Law Reform Commission, Cllr. Boakai Kanneh and President of the Liberian Society for Local Government, Dr. Yarsuo Weh-Dorliae.

In his opening address to the Joint Committee, the Minister of Internal Affairs said as part of preparation for the transition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Local Government, County Councils have been established and trained. Minister Nyumalin however, stressed that the Legislature must determine the remuneration for members of the Council.

The Internal Affairs Minister also expressed to the Joint Committee that County Development Units, National Fiscal Board, National Council of Chiefs and District Advisory Council have also been established, with all under the supervision of the Minister of Internal Affairs.

As opposed to the previous, Minister Francis Nyumalin told the Joint Committee that only Paramount Chiefs will form part of the National Council of Chiefs, meaning the National Council of Chiefs will comprise 15 members, with one Paramount Chief, representing a county.

The Minister of Internal Affairs also indicated to the Joint Committee that the Ministry of Local Government will implement the Revenue Sharing Act, which calls for the collection and decentralization of the economy and the establishment of County Service Centers in each county amongst others.

Coordinators will be appointed to sign certificates and licenses, with 60% revenue going to central government accounts, while 40% revenue will remain in the counties for other local development activities.

Also addressing the Joint Committee was Chairman of the Law Reform Commission, Cllr. Boakai Kanneh, who stated that the Legislature envisaged the establishment of the Ministry of Local Government, when it passed the Local Government Act in 2018 and the Revenue Sharing Act in 2021.

For his part, Cllr. Boakai Kanneh pleaded with the Senate to pass the Proposed Act to create the Ministry of Local Government as it is in the best interest of the local people. He asserted that under the Ministry of Local Government, the Assistant Ministers for Urban and Rural Affairs will be abolished and replaced with an Assistant Minister for Decentralization and Local Government.

Also making remarks to the Senate Joint Committee was Dr. Yarsuo Weh-Dorliae, President of the Liberian Society for Local Government, who also pleaded with the Senate to pass the Proposed Act, but with provision for Peace Building in the structure of the Local Government.

The Senate Joint Committee on Internal Affairs and Judiciary, Human Rights, Claims and Petition is expected to report to Plenary in order to take a decision of the passage of the Proposed Act to transition the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Local Government.

By Liberian Observer.

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