Zimbabwe: 90 Percent Covid Admissions Unvaccinated Patients

A UNIVERSITY of Zimbabwe (UZ) Histopathology Department professor and member Covid-19 Experts Advisory Committee Rudo Makunike-Mutasa’s has confirmed 90% of admissions in hospitals were patients not vaccinated against Covid-19.The same data also shows community deaths are people not inoculated against the deadly virus.”Most Covid-19 hospital admissions are of unvaccinated people, most Covid-19 community deaths are of unvaccinated people, the released data shows,” Makunike-Mutasa told NewZimbabwe.com in an interview.”Vaccination is contributing to the protection of people from Covid-19 hospitalisation and death. It is saving lives. Vaccination must be accelerated as an additional prevention measure to complement all other Covid-19 prevention measures, procure more vaccines to maintain vaccination momentum and strengthen static and outreach vaccination centres – bring in volunteers.”
She added that all the country’s provinces have and continue to record a surge in cases and deaths since the end of June 20.
“More children are getting infected compared to the previous two waves. Community deaths by vaccination status as of 22 July for Harare is 88,9% not vaccinated, 3,4% had received one dose, 4.8 % had received two doses and 2.9% not known.”
She said from 30 January to 4 September 2020 during the first wave the total number of deaths was 153 at an average 2,7 number of deaths per day.
During the second wave from 21 December 2020 to 1 February 2021, the total number of deaths was 358 averaging 8,1 per day.
However, during the current third wave as from 29 June to 2020 to 22 July 2021, the total deaths stood at 231 averaging 10, 5 deaths per day.
By New Zimbabwe.